Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Department of Public Instruction

Another very informative site for more information regarding instruction in the classroom is the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. Found in the link below or click on the graphic above.

IDEA 2004 Statute and Regulations

There is a lot of legal information on the Wrightslaw home page regarding everying from IEPs and Regulations regarding Special Education. Click on the link below or the graphic above to check it out.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Emotional or Behavioral Disorders

Jan 20 2009
Students with Emotional or Behavior Disorders have many characteristics that hinder academic and social growth.

Characteristics of a behavior disorder are usually evident and persistent in different settings and environment and usually with little respect or regards for social or cultural norms.

Academic Implications

* Disruptive to classroom activity.
* Impulsive.
* Inattentive, distractible.
* Appears pre-occupied.
* Disregards all classroom rules.
* Poor concentration.
* Extreme resistance to change and transitions.
* Speaks out, repeatedly.
* Is aggressive.
* Bullies and intimidates others.
* Regular truancy from school.
* Dishonest, consistently blames others.
* Low self esteem.
* Unable to work in groups.
* Engages in self injurious behavior.
* Has no regard for personal space and belongings.
* Persistently tries to manipulate situations.

Best Practices and Accommodations

* Develop consistent behavior expectations.
* Involve the student in setting academic and personal goals.
* Engage in role playing situations.
* Communicate with parents so that strategies are consistent at home and school.
* Set limits and boundaries.
* Apply established consequences immediately, fairly and consistently.
* Acknowledge and reinforce acceptable behavior.
* Avoid confrontation and power struggles.
* Provide a highly structured classroom environment.
* Clearly post rules and expectations.
* Establish a quiet cool off area.
* Provide and teach opportunities for the student to use self control/self

monitoring techniques to control behavior.

* Teach self talk to relieve stress and anxiety.
* Teach and provide time for relaxation techniques.
* Establish cues as reminders for inappropriate behavior.
* Redirect to avoid situations that may increase anxiety levels.
* Remain calm and aware of your body language when addressing the student.
* Provide a positive and encouraging classroom environment.
* Use a study carrel.
* Use visually stimulating material for assignments/learning presentations.
* Use specialized technology and software.
* Develop and use behavior contracts.
* Give frequent feedback.


Reactive Attachment Disorder

What is RAD?

Reactive Attachment Disorder

No. 85; Updated May 2008

Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD) is a complex psychiatric illness that can affect young children. It is characterized by serious problems in emotional attachments to others. RAD usually presents by age 5, but a parent, caregiver or physician may notice that a child has problems with emotional attachment by their first birthday. Often, a parent brings an infant or very young child to the doctor with one or more of the following concerns:

* severe colic and/or feeding difficulties
* failure to gain weight
* detached and unresponsive behavior
* difficulty being comforted
* preoccupied and/or defiant behavior
* inhibition or hesitancy in social interactions
* disinhibition or inappropriate familiarity or closeness with strangers.

The physical, emotional and social problems associated with RAD may persist as the child grows older.

Most children with Reactive Attachment Disorder have had severe problems or disruptions in their early relationships. Many have been physically or emotionally abused or neglected. Some have experienced inadequate care in an institutional setting or other out-of-home placement (for example a hospital, residential program, foster care or orphanage). Others have had multiple or traumatic losses or changes in their primary caregiver. The exact cause of Reactive Attachment Disorder is not known.

Children who exhibit signs of Reactive Attachment Disorder need a comprehensive psychiatric assessment and individualized treatment plan. These signs or symptoms may also be found in other psychiatric disorders. A child should never be given this label or diagnosis without a comprehensive evaluation.

Treatment of this complex disorder involves both the child and the family. Therapists focus on understanding and strengthening the relationship between a child and his or her primary care givers. Without treatment, this condition can affect permanently a child's social and emotional development. However, unconventional and forced treatments such as "rebirthing" strategies are potentially dangerous and should be avoided.

Parents of a young child who shows signs or symptoms of Reactive Attachment Disorder should:

* seek a comprehensive psychiatric evaluation by a qualified mental health professional prior to the initiation of any treatment
* make sure they understand the risks as well as the potential benefits of any intervention
* feel free to seek a second opinion if they have questions or concerns about the diagnosis and/or treatment plan

Reactive Attachment Disorder is a serious clinical condition. Fortunately, it is relatively rare. Evaluating and treating children with complex child psychiatric disorders such as Reactive Attachment Disorder is challenging. There are no simple solutions or magic answers. However, close and ongoing collaboration between the child's family and the treatment team will increase the likelihood of a successful outcome.

(Source found on American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry)

Strategies on how to handle a student with Reactive Attachment Disorder

Step 1

Talk to the child's parents. They may have some useful strategies for managing the child's behavior. It is important to phone or email directly, since notes sent home with the child will probably not get to the parents. Let the child know that you will be in frequent contact with her parents.

Step 2

Know that children with RAD need a different type of teaching. Traditional behavior plans such as getting stickers or treats for good behavior won't work because the RAD child will just figure out how to work the system. They do not care about your approval.

Step 3

Acknowledge good decisions and good behavior. Be specific in your praise. Avoid saying general things like, "You were a good girl today." Such non-specific praise won't mean anything to the RAD child. Do not attach good behavior to a tangible reward. Again, traditional behavior management plans don't work.
Step 4

Administer consequences for poor decisions and behavior. Remain calm and in control of your emotions when you do this. He is trying to provoke a negative response from you and will feel as though he's won if you get angry. Similarly, avoid "I statements," such as "I'm disappointed that you did that." If you do get upset (as you are bound to do sometimes), remove yourself or the child from the situation until you have regained control of your emotions. Avoid using a traditional time-out for the child, though, as their goal is to isolate themselves.

Step 5

Teach them about choices. These children do not understand cause and effect. Explicitly point out choices they are making, i.e. "You are choosing to distract others from their work." This is a difficult concept for the RAD child, but once you make some headway on this, you can teach them about good choices and bad choices.

Step 6

Get help. Learn more about RAD (see Resources). The parents may be able to help you both with RAD resources and what has worked for their child. The school psychologist, counselor or social worker might also be able to help with interventions.

Step 7

Avoid losing faith in yourself. The child did not become this way overnight, and you cannot be expected to change her overnight. She will, in fact, require extensive therapy and support from the parents and school in order to turn things around and lead a healthy, happy and productive life.


Monday, April 27, 2009

More Asperger Syndrome Info

Asperger Syndrome (also known as Asperger Disorder) is a relatively new category of developmental disorder, first recognized officially in the DSM in 1994.

Briefly, Asperger Syndrome is thought to be the mildest of a spectrum of developmental disorders known as autism. As with other conditions of autism, it is a neurological disorder of unknown cause. Children with Aspergers present with deviations in social skills, problems with communication, behavioral characteristics involving repetitive features, and a limited but intense range of interests. While children with AS have been spoken of as having “a dash of autism,” it is not entirely clear that Aspergers is truly a form of autism, or whether it is related only in the similarities of signs and symptoms.

Since AS itself has a wide range of severity, less impaired children who might meet the criteria for that diagnosis are sometimes not diagnosed at all, or are misdiagnosed with ADHD or other emotional disturbances.

There are five children with Aspergers for every child who presents with classic autism, although some may not have been correctly diagnosed with the syndrome, so it is not a rare disorder at all. For reasons that are yet unknown, Aspergers is more common in boys than in girls. It appears to be associated with other types of disorders, including Tourette disorder, attention deficit problems, depression, and anxiety.

The most obvious characteristic of persons with Aspergers is their areas of special interest. Often, and very early in their life, these kids will demonstrate an obsessive interest in one specific area such as math or aspects of science or history, learning everything possible on the subject, dwelling on it even during free periods. Sometimes these areas of interest will change over time, replaced by new obsessions, but often the interests will continue through adulthood, even forming the basis for a career.

Another common trait of children with Aspergers Syndrome is the socialization deficit. This differs from the same characteristics seen in classic autism in that AS children are usually not as socially impaired as are children with autism. Once they get to school age, children with AS often express an interest in friends and are frustrated by their socialization difficulties.

While normal language skills are a characteristic separating AS from other forms of autism, there are differences in how children with Aspergers use language and how it is used by the unaffected population. The rote skills are strong, sometimes very strong, but their spoken language is often unusual. Sometimes the language sounds overly formal, slang is misused or not used at all, and things are often taken too literally, with major problems dealing with abstracts. Many children with Aspergers have problems understanding or appreciating humor, this in spite of the fact that they are likely to show an interest in jokes, particularly such things as puns and word games.

Although there is little solid information regarding the likely outcome of children with Aspergers, it does appear that, compared to other forms of autism, children with AS are much more likely to grow up to become functioning adults. While limitations continue, it is clear that AS does not preclude the potential for a more normal adult life. Typically, adults with AS will gravitate to a profession that relates to their own area of interest, sometimes becoming proficient. Success in adulthood appears to be closely related to intelligence.

* For additional information on Asperger’s syndrome, see the Asperger Syndrome Education Network. The above has been a synopsis of information found there.

Asperger Syndrome

Asperger's Syndrome - Symptoms

Although there are many possible symptoms of Asperger’s syndrome, the main symptom is severe trouble with social situations. Your child may have mild to severe symptoms or have a few or many of these symptoms. Because of the wide variety of symptoms, no two children with Asperger's are alike.

Symptoms during childhood

Parents often first notice the symptoms of Asperger's syndrome when their child starts preschool and begins to interact with other children. Children with Asperger's syndrome may:

  • Not pick up on social cues and may lack inborn social skills, such as being able to read others' body language, start or maintain a conversation, and take turns talking.
  • Dislike any changes in routines.
  • Appear to lack empathy.
  • Be unable to recognize subtle differences in speech tone, pitch, and accent that alter the meaning of others’ speech. Thus, your child may not understand a joke or may take a sarcastic comment literally. Likewise, his or her speech may be flat and difficult to understand because it lacks tone, pitch, and accent.
  • Have a formal style of speaking that is advanced for his or her age. For example, the child may use the word "beckon" instead of "call" or the word "return" instead of "come back."
  • Avoid eye contact or stare at others.
  • Have unusual facial expressions or postures.
  • Be preoccupied with only one or few interests, which he or she may be very knowledgeable about. Many children with Asperger's syndrome are overly interested in parts of a whole or in unusual activities, such as designing houses, drawing highly detailed scenes, or studying astronomy. They may show an unusual interest in certain topics such as snakes, names of stars, or dinosaurs.2
  • Talk a lot, usually about a favorite subject. One-sided conversations are common. Internal thoughts are often verbalized.
  • Have delayed motor development. Your child may be late in learning to use a fork or spoon, ride a bike, or catch a ball. He or she may have an awkward walk. Handwriting is often poor.
  • Have heightened sensitivity and become overstimulated by loud noises, lights, or strong tastes or textures. For more information about these symptoms, see sensory integration dysfunction.

A child with one or two of these symptoms does not necessarily have Asperger’s syndrome. To be diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome, a child must have a combination of these symptoms and severe trouble with social situations.

Although the condition is in some ways similar to autism, a child with Asperger's syndrome typically has normal language and intellectual development. Also, those with Asperger's syndrome typically make more of an effort than those with autism to make friends and engage in activities with others.

Symptoms during adolescent and teen years

Most symptoms persist through the teen years. And although teens with Asperger's can begin to learn those social skills they lack, communication often remains difficult. They will probably continue to have difficulty "reading" others' behavior.

Asperger's Syndrome - Symptoms



Your teen with Asperger's syndrome (like other teens) will want friends but may feel shy or intimidated when approaching other teens. He or she may feel "different" from others. Although most teens place emphasis on being and looking "cool," teens with Asperger's may find it frustrating and emotionally draining to try to fit in. They may be immature for their age and be naive and too trusting, which can lead to teasing and bullying.

All of these difficulties can cause teens with Asperger's to become withdrawn and socially isolated and to have depression or anxiety.3

But some teens with Asperger's syndrome are able to make and keep a few close friends through the school years. Some of the classic Asperger's traits may also work to the benefit of your teen. Teens with Asperger's are typically uninterested in following social norms, fads, or conventional thinking, allowing creative thinking and the pursuit of original interests and goals. Their preference for rules and honesty may lead them to excel in the classroom and as citizens.

Symptoms in adulthood

Asperger's syndrome is a lifelong condition, although it tends to stabilize over time, and improvements are often seen. Adults usually obtain a better understanding of their own strengths and weaknesses. They are able to learn social skills and how to read others' social cues. Many people with Asperger's syndrome marry and have children.

Some traits that are typical of Asperger's syndrome, such as attention to detail and focused interests, can increase chances of university and career success. Many people with Asperger's seem to be fascinated with technology, and a common career choice is engineering. But scientific careers are by no means the only areas where people with Asperger's excel. Indeed, many respected historical figures have had symptoms of Asperger's, including Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, and Thomas Jefferson.

Classroom Strategies

Classroom Strategies

On a daily basis, teachers face multiple challenges in the classroom. One of those challenges is teaching a group of students with varying abilities so that everyone can learn grade-level skills and content. This means that while teaching to the group, you have to keep in mind the needs of individual learners. This is especially important for those students with learning disabilities (LD) in your classroom.

Students with learning disabilities often require special attention (in terms of accommodations and modifications) and may also need access to assistive technologies in order to keep up with their classmates. As you know, students with LD are often as smart as their peers, but since they process information differently, they need additional support to compensate for their disability. If a student has been formally diagnosed with a learning disability, the accommodations that he or she needs should already be listed in an Individualized Education Program (IEP). As the student's teacher, you are an important member of the IEP team, providing observations and information about the kinds of specialized instruction and additional support that the student needs.

Accommodations and assistive technology are not meant to lower expectations of what a student with LD can learn and accomplish. They are intended to "level the playing field"  in order to give the student a realistic chance to succeed in school. The following four articles should offer an introduction to the types of adjustments that you can make in the classroom.